Archive for the 'Alcan 2004 Day7' Category

Day 7 Pictures

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004

Day seven pictures

Updates and scores for Day 7

Wednesday, February 25th, 2004

We are at the end of Day 7 of the Alcan Winter Rally. We spent days five and six testing the endurance of ourselves and our vehicles by driving North from Dawson City 500 miles to Inuvik. After turning North at the junction onto the Dempster Highway it is about 230 miles of completely uninhabited snow covered valleys, hills and mountains until you reach Eagle Plains, a lone self-sufficient outpost that provides the only gas on this road. Leaving Eagle Plains going North it’s another 250 miles to reach Inuvik. You don’t want trouble on that road.

Day 7 – We’re On The Charge Again

Wednesday, February 25th, 2004

This morning Jim and I piled into the red Sweep truck for the trip back to Dawson City. They would drop us and the alternator loaned by the Challenge Driving Subaru team to see if we could get our act back on the road. Ohio and Ken did a great job piloting the big ol’ Dodge through the snow, ruts and morning flat light. A diversion near the end of the road — we rounded a corner to find car #13, Paul and Paul’s Mitsubishi Montero on its side in the right hand ditch. We quickly piled out of the car to find navigator Paul’s head pop out of the right hand door.

TeamD Marches On!

Tuesday, February 24th, 2004

Three TeamD cars on the road!