Archive for the 'Alcan 2004 Day 1' Category

Day 1 Pictures

Saturday, February 21st, 2004

Day one Pictures

Cold, Hard Truth–Scores for Day1

Wednesday, February 18th, 2004

It pains me to be the one to say that TeamD got off to a rocky start today on day one of the Alcan Winter Rally. After an easy day of rally Eric and Steve are standing second in class with a score of 23. Dan and Jim are third in class with 34. Rob and Nick are fourth in their class with a score of 84. But overall those scores make us a little sad.

Read on for more detail including full standings.

Soggy Start, Tired Finish

Wednesday, February 18th, 2004

Soggy was the start of our first day. The drive to Kirkland was brief but after a late night getting the last few essentials into the car, we were feeling as if we’d been going for hours. The prospect of embarking on this rally had us excited, though. The start location at the Silver Cloud Inn showed us a parking lot packed with rally and support vehicles anxious to get going. Family and friends of TeamD were on hand to cheer and pass out homemade cookies (greatly appreciated). Cars departed on their number/minute after 0800. We went against the flow of rush hour traffic and quickly made the 90 miles to the beginning of the first scored TSD section with plenty of time to spare. The section we drove was reminiscent of the rally we just did last month — in fact it was identical if memory serves. At least, some of the checkpoint locations seemed familiar. We had no problems crossing hte border; our favorite Canadian Customs question was “Are you carrying more than $10,00 cash?” TeamD has a lof of support, but not to that level. Yet.